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Founded in summer 2021, the start-up Oktopulli produces sustainable kids’ sweaters made from fabric remnants and surplus goods. The special and generous cuts make the Oktopulli one of a kind – one sweater covers three conventional kids’ sizes and thus literally “grows” alongside the kids for at least two years. The sweater’s gender-neutral design, as well as the three-step pricing model, complement the company’s inclusive corporate structure. This way, Oktopulli creates not only a place where children’s fashion is thought of in a resource-saving and socially responsible way, it also provides a transparent insight into the production process to its customers.

More than sustainable fashion

Oktopulli actively seeks to counteract the fast fashion trend of the kids’ clothing industry. This is reflected in the fact that only already existing resources such as secondhand, leftover, and surplus fabrics are used for the production, as well as in the ingenious design that allows the sweaters to be worn for at least two years. Further, the company promotes sustainability and social responsibility beyond the boundaries of its own business: with every sweater sold, Oktopulli supports non-profit organizations that support refugees and people on the move.

Oktopulli was founded in steward-ownership to keep the company independent in the long run and to counteract the equation money = power. Profits are reinvested into the company to build a viable social business and to ensure a fair production process as well as to support social engagement. The Purpose Foundation protects the steward-ownership structure of the company by holding the veto share.

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