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Purpose Stiftung gGmbH
Bankinstitut: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank e.G.
IBAN: DE51 430609674055796201
Please indicate “donation” as subject!

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How will my donation be used?


Donating to the Purpose Foundation means supporting our non-profit work.

Our aim is to enable stakeholders, pioneering entrepreneurs, founders, and investors to bring about economic change from within. Providing knowledge, founded research, and a platform to connect and exchange is vital for transitioning companies to lesser-known legal structures, forging new financing instruments, and establishing an economy that works for people and the planet. Your donation will help us research, create and publish Open Source Materials, case studies, develop & publish legal tool kits, and set up an infrastructure for stakeholders interested in steward-ownership and alternative financing models.

To specifically support our non-profit work and projects in the US.

Contact us here


Can I set up a recurring donation?


For donations made in Germany, please use the donation form, it will allow you to set up a recurring monthly subscription. Alternatively, you can set up a standing order with our German donations account.

Purpose Stiftung gGmbH
Bankinstitut: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank e.G.
IBAN: DE51 430609674055796201

Donations directly made to Purpose US, please contact us here.


Additional information regarding donations


To donate specifically to our non-profit work and projects in the US and Latin America, please send an e-mail to our Purpose US team or Purpose LatAm team.

For donations made to the German non-profit entity Purpose Stiftung gGmbH up to 300 €, please download the vereinfachten Spendennachweis as a receipt to hand in at the Finanzamt.


You can contact us about donations by email here

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