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Steward-ownership has struck a nerve internationally. With our internationalization work, we strive to make steward-ownership accessible irrespective of location.

A global movement

To meet the growing demand from entrepreneurs, companies, and investors, we are building a global network of aligned organizations, investors, legal experts, and entrepreneurs interested in supporting steward-ownership internationally.

How we work

Purpose’s team is located in Germany, the United States, and Chile, but our reach is global. We work directly with entrepreneurs, companies, and lawyers across jurisdictions to find legal solutions for steward-ownership as well as provide access to tools, publications, and networks. We also partner with other organizations that share our mission of creating a purpose-maximizing economy, like RSF Social Finance and Sistema B.

  • MVP_PEC_Founders

    Legal Solutions

    We research the best solutions and legal instruments to embed the principles of steward-ownership in the structure of a company within the framework allowed by the law of each specific country.
  • MVP_NP_OpenSource

    Open source resources

    We develop country-specific open-source tool-kits (templates of articles of association, term-sheets, guidelines) to make steward-ownership accessible to all entrepreneurs.
  • MVP_PEC_Commitment


    We build partnerships with other organizations and institutions to strengthen and enrich our work internationally.

Join us

Our international reach is driven by the demand from entrepreneurs, leaders, and organizations in different countries. If you are interested in learning more about our international work, becoming steward-owned, or support steward-ownership in your country or region, please contact us.

Contact us.



My country is not covered by your international work yet. How can I implement a steward-ownership structure?


We are constantly investigating – together with local lawyers and the tax-consultants – the legal implementation of steward-ownership in new countries. Please contact us to check if your country is already in the pipeline.


Is steward-ownership a structure that is recognized by the local corporate law of some country?


No, steward-ownership is not a legal form (yet). There are different legal structures that incorporate the principles of steward-ownership principles in the DNA of a company and these vary according to the jurisdictions and the needs of the specific company.


If I use the open-source template for my country, what shall I check?


The template represents a useful tool for the implementation of steward-ownership, but it shall be adjusted to the specifics of the company and reviewed by lawyers, tax-consultants and/or the Purpose team.


How do you work in countries where you are not based?


We conduct legal research on steward-ownership-legal structures and financial instruments in different jurisdictions with the advice of local lawyers and develop open-source documents to facilitate companies with the transition to steward-ownership. We prioritize the jurisdictions based on the interest and need shown by the local entrepreneurs. We build partnerships with like-minded organizations that want to support steward-ownership in their country/region.

Further, we advise companies from different countries that want to transition to a steward-ownership structure and we invest in steward-owned companies, irrespective of the jurisdiction.


How can I help to foster steward-ownership in my country?


Whether you are an organization sharing our vision of the economy, an entrepreneur, an investor, a lawyer, an academic institution, or a tax or business consultant interested in supporting our mission, please contact us. There are many ways to support: through your expertise, your network, your publications, or a partnership.