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Toolkit for Steward-Ownership

Welcome to our “workshop” …

… or rather: to our toolkit for Steward Ownership, a collection of experiences, information and working materials. This toolkit has been designed to support entrepreneurs on their journey towards an ownership structure that aligns with their needs and values – and those of their companies!

Whether you want to use the toolkit yourself as a founder or entrepreneur or you want to support entrepreneurs on their path to steward-ownership: this toolkit supports in deciding whether steward-ownership is the right fit and on the process towards designing an individually fitting structure.

If the download form does not appear next to this text, use this link to download the toolkit.

A journey awaits you

The path to steward-ownership is not a linear one and varies from company to company and from country to country. These are the possible stages the toolkit will guide you through:

  • Soul-Searching: How does steward-ownership fit your idea of entrepreneurship and ownership?
  • Understanding: What is steward-ownership? Which impact does it have?
  • Needs: Explore and pin-point individual needs for an aligned ownership structure.
  • Financing: Learn more about steward-ownership aligned financing and alternative investment models.
  • International Implementation: Get ready for the legal implementation with your regional lawyers based on what you have worked out so far

Keen on getting to know us?

Or do you still have open questions after working through the toolkit?

Join our monthly check-in call (in English). It is taking place each second Thursday per month at 3pm CET.

Use these links to add the events directly to your calendar: Google or iCal

You can dial in through this link. Looking forward to getting to know you!

Our Toolkit Philosophy

This toolkit is freely accessible as open-content material from the nonprofit Purpose Foundation. Within the scope of our nonprofit work, we have spoken with many individuals, organizations, and, of course, steward-owners, collecting, analyzing, and preparing experiences, knowledge, and learning processes related to steward ownership to enable interested parties to approach the topic and an individual ownership solution as independently as possible. In this process, we are also constantly learning ourselves and look forward to your feedback to further develop the toolkit based on it.

Help us to improve the toolkit with your feedback


Our non-profit work is only possible thanks to donations from numerous supporters. We want to ensure that we can continue to make everything we learn about alternative forms of ownership and financing available as open content materials.

Help us and donate to support our non-profit work!

You could ask yourself at the end of your journey what the toolkit was worth to you and how many dollars-pesos-euros you saved in costs for consultants and lawyers. And if you are able to, we would be happy to receive a donation of any amount.

Donate to support our non-profit team