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“Can well-designed products seduce people to be more sustainable?” The founders of Soulproducts GmbH were eager to find out. During their studies in Vienna, they developed an alternative to plastic bottles and created glass bottles with a captivating design. Two years and many hand-printed versions later, the first soulbottle was born. It’s free of plastic, climate-neutral, environmentally friendly, fairly-produced – and promotes sustainability on a day-to-day basis using beautiful design!

Founded with purpose

soulbottles was a purpose-driven business from the start. The founders and team wanted to make sure their mission and values weren’t an empty promise and would be protected into the future. This is how they found their path to steward-ownership. And in 2018, Purpose supported Soulproducts GmbH to transition to steward-ownership.

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When I first joined soulbottles, I always thought about what the founders Paul and George would do. Now I can focus on what is best for the company and our purpose...and on having fun doing it!

Laura Zuckschwerdt, Marketing

Legacy beyond founders

Soulproducts GmbH is now a steward-owned company operating on the principles of holacracy and non-violent communication. This strong legal commitment to purpose and values supported the transition of the founders out of the business.

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