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The non-profit organization NIDIS was founded in 2021 and promotes a change of mindset to tackle social, economic, and ecological challenges around the globe. Based on the Greek name SINDISI, which means conscience or awareness, the founders seek to draw attention to the fact that all people hold individual responsibility for creating a collective social impact. Supporting different projects in Germany and Nepal, NIDISI wants to demonstrate that it is possible to create sustainable values for our society, environment, and economy without them being mutually exclusive. Current projects focus on the purification of drinking water, the development of biodegradable menstrual pads and the recycling of plastic, and the development of a circular waste structure. All projects are financially, legally, and technically independent of NIDSI. They are designed to be self-sustaining and empowering, with the aim to strengthen the local people.

Humanity can do better

NIDISI was founded with the conviction that solutions to many global challenges already exist, but their implementation is prohibited due to a lack of decision-making, creativity, and a certain mindset. NIDISIs see themselves as non-profit changemakers and enablers, promoting and supporting life-positive mentalities. Based on the company’s motto “Humanity can do better”, the company supports and enable different projects with the aim is to show that economic, ecological, and social value can be created simultaneously. NIDISI was founded in steward-ownership and the Purpose Foundation holds the veto-share to protect the principles of steward-ownership in the long term.

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