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The online platform Autorenwelt aims to provide a digital home to German-speaking writers. Our goal is to make their work and life easier and to significantly strengthen and advance the process of their emancipation from publishers and online retailers – for fair cooperation in the book industry. Industry news, specialist articles, calls for tenders and the forum offer authors the opportunity to professionalize and network.

Since 2018, we have also been running a fair online bookstore, the only one in Germany where authors and translators receive a seven percent revenue share. This means that those on whose creativity the book industry is based, but very few of whom can make a living from their work, earn more. It also means that we are all one step closer to a fair, more inclusive and regenerative economy.

A literacy platform run by authors for authors

Since June 2021, Autorenwelt GmbH has been a company in steward-ownership so that it can continue to be shaped and managed independently by writers in the future. Purpose has accompanied the Autorenwelt team in the transformation process and holds the veto share with one percent of the voting rights, which permanently protects the principles of steward-ownership.

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With the transformation into steward-ownership, our organizational form finally corresponds with what we stand for. Our customers and partners can be sure that we will continue to uncompromisingly pursue Autorenwelt’s purpose in the future.

Wilhelm Uschtrin, co-founder

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08/2021 | Berlin, Startup, Consumer products

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