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Taking Purpose Economy to universities

Our latest non-profit project Purpose Economy at Universities brings the plurality of business models from real-life straight into lecture theatres across Germany.

…because today as well as for future generations we need a variety of innovative approaches for a more just and sustainable economy.

At Purpose, we work with many inspiring leaders forging new models of ownership to face today’s challenges and to drive change in society and the business world. Entrepreneurs, founders and investors are working together for a more equitable economy that serves our planet and people.

Supported by Waschbär, a pioneering environmental mail-order company in steward-ownership, we seek to share our practical experiences and knowledge with you – the next generation of decision-makers.

Purpose Economy at Universities

As part of our non-profit work in Germany, we offer free interactive workshops and lectures on steward-ownership and alternative forms of business for students.

Interactive workshops at your university or college – online or on-site, in German or English, online workshops possible outside of Germany

Experienced team members from Purpose, where possible in cooperation with local entrepreneurs

For students and faculty members of economics and business studies – and really anyone interested in rethinking our current way of doing business and the role of companies in our society.

Get in touch with the Purpose Economy at Universities team

Together with students and lecturers, we hold workshops on alternative forms of business and ownership as part of lectures and seminar series. Our specifically designed toolkit offers a flexible workshop format and implementation. This way, we are able to customize and take into consideration different student backgrounds, group sizes, needs & wishes, contents & topics.

This way, we want students to…

  • grasp the plurality of today’s economic and business models
  • learn about alternative models of business, ownership, and financing using practical examples
  • be introduced to steward-ownership as an example of alternative models of ownership
  • be inspired to question the current status quo and to create possibilities for change.


Have you ever wondered…

…how different actors and approaches could contribute to more sustainable and equitable development? Or questioned the role companies play in our society and economy? How they could drive change? Have you thought about or questioned how power and wealth are distributed in today’s society and economy? Or, what alternative ways of thinking about ownership and businesses are out there already?

If you are a student or lecturer and feel like alternative models of ownership, business and financing should be part of your studies, get in touch and make Purpose Economy at Universities part of your curriculum!

Contact Purpose at Universities

Our motivation

Purpose is an international network organization promoting and enabling alternative forms of ownership and models of financing. In particular, we believe that steward-ownership can be a puzzle piece for enabling businesses and other economic players to create a more just and sustainable economy. We work closely with companies, entrepreneurs, and investors to support and accompany them on their journey towards finding aligned structures to forge change.

Purpose Economy at Universities is part of our German non-profit work. Inspired by our day-to-day experiences with innovative and courageous business practitioners, we aim to bring those practical examples straight into business education across Germany. This way, we seek to enable and inspire upcoming entrepreneurs, founders, employees, investors, and economists to take the plurality of models available into account in their future decisions.

The project Purpose Economy at Universities is supported by Waschbär. The leading environmental mail-order company was founded in 1987 and transitioned to steward-ownership in 2017. As part of their community and social engagement, Waschbär supports projects that promote educational justice and a sustainable future. We are grateful that Waschbär considers our project to be part of this!


Our non-profit work is made possible through donations. These help us fulfill our non-profit mission to inform and enable alternative forms of ownership and financing in the future, to create open-source materials, hold lectures and share our practical experiences and knowledge with entrepreneurs, founders and investors. We believe that a sustainable and more equitable economy is only possible if we all work together.

Donate now and support our non-profit work!

We would also be grateful for contacts or opportunities to present Purpose Economy at Universities at your university or college!

Send us an email to get in touch with our Purpose Economy at Universities team!