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Founded in 2021, TapTree makes financial transactions part of climate protection solutions. The FinTech start-up enables businesses, restaurant owners, and customers to easily contribute to climate protection by using the TapTree online payment tool and card terminals. TapTree uses part of the transaction fee to support climate initiatives such as tree planting projects and thus leverages financial transactions to actively advance climate protection. This way, one TapTree transaction removes an average of 1 kg of CO2 from the atmosphere.

Cashless payments for Future

TapTree builds a bridge between economy and ecology. Integrating climate protection fees directly into online payment processes allows for a distribution of costs and a contribution of all players involved in the payment industry. Profits are invested in climate protection measures and the development of sustainable and fair payment products. TapTree was founded in steward-ownership to protect the company’s mission to enhance “climate positive payment” from the start and to protect its independence in the long run. Purpose supported TapTree during this process and holds a golden share with 1% of voting rights.

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There can be no economy without ecology. We have to rethink capitalism to protect the climate. Steward-ownership provides a framework for a necessary shift towards a common good.

Benjamin Behringer, co-founder

Mehr Unternehmen

Nevi GmbH

06/2020 | Startup, Görlitz, Consumer products

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07/2020 | Startup, Consumer products, Hamburg

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