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Einhorn: Make magic happen

Einhorn was founded in 2015 and produces vegan condoms and fairtrade organic menstrual products. With colorful and flashy designs, einhorn uses humor and creativity to break taboos and destigmatize sex education. and promote its mission: to create an economically successful, sustainable, and eco-friendly company that sets and promotes new economic standards.

Sanitary products that support de-stigmatization

Waldemar Zeiler and Philip Siefer retrieved the condom from a supermarket niche and transformed it into a lifestyle product that is sold at well-known drugstores and organic supermarkets. Sustainability and social responsibility have been at the heart of their mission from the start. The co-founders established the first organic latex plantation in Malaysia, and 50% of the company’s profits are spent on non-profit projects or are reinvested in research, product development, and sustainability projects on the plantations. Einhorn’s latest product range of organic sanitary products includes ecologically and sustainably manufactured products and packaging.

“Fairstainability” - products with a mission

Einhorn products are manufactured and packaged fairly and sustainably. The company supports «fairstainability» and regenerative agriculture practices with its partners. Einhorn produces and uses ecologically manufactured packaging and aims to keep plastic packaging to a minimum.

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To unfuck the economy, we need to unfuck ownership.

Philip Siefer, Mitgründer und CEO

Unfuck the economy: einhorn products = means to a goal

For the co-founders Waldemar and Philip, the economy is part of the solution. They have been active promoters of economic change, transparency, and social justice. That’s why they transitioned to steward-ownership in 2019. For the founders, steward-ownership gets to the heart of what’s broken in our system. Purpose advised einhorn on its transition to steward-ownership. The company is structured with a golden-share held by the Purpose Foundation. This structure protects einhorn’s independence and mission.

Mehr Unternehmen

Nevi GmbH

06/2020 | Startup, Görlitz, Consumer products

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